January 30, 2012


We all have memories, some of them good, some bad, and all together they shape us. But, what happens if we let them shape us in the wrong way? What happens, when it feels like most of them, or all of them, are bad?

I'm gonna share a very short version of my life, more specifically the next paragraph:

From my perspective, the majority of my life has been bad. From the age of 5 until I was 16, it felt like I was stuck in a perpetual hell-on-earth. I rarely had friends, no girlfriends, and I wanted to be numb to the world. I have no memory of the years prior. Then, one night, God gave me hope, by teaching me how to care for others. Since then, I have been trying to show his love to everyone around me.

I found out that, the reason for my despair, was because I was the center of my own life. All I ever considered, was myself, and what was good for me. But that was logical right?

Actually, yes it was, but the problem was that I was only using logic. At this point, I would imagine you are a little confused. Let me explain, logic is illogical, due to the fact, it does not consider others as a high priority. Consider this, it is logical to have sex before marriage, I mean you want to test out a car, before you buy it right? Wrong, you see, you are using other peoples words, instead of figuring it out yourself.

People are smart, but groups are dumb. This is because, as a group, we are so concerned with being accepted, we allow are selves to make stupid decisions, so that we are not looked down on. Some say, "But if so many people believe something, it must be true. I mean, you can't fool that many people with false/bad information." Really? Did you know that any type of explosion is strictly a reaction? All an explosion is, is something very rapidly expanding. Nothing is actually created or destroyed, but everything involved is transformed. Yet, so many people believe that the universe was created by a "big bang." Feel like you been duped yet?

On a side note, did you know, that in order for there to be a "big bang" as the start of the universe, there would have to be no less than 2 different types of atoms created at the same time? A single type of atom grouped together, won't automatically "blow up," but instead it will just group together, and do nothing? So why do so many people accept this?

Because we are a lazy race, we give up on something if it seems to hard. Some might say, "I don't really understand that previous paragraph, but it's ok, I'm no chemist." When instead, all they would have to do is read it a few more times. I really didn't make it that hard to understand.

The point is, as a group we are true idiots. When we let other people control our lives, just because we won't be accepted otherwise, we are blinded from the truth, because we don't think it all the way through. So back to my original point, when we use other peoples logic to direct our lives, we often find ourselves pinned in a corner, where we feel like we have no choice, but to follow as others have directed us. Here is some new logic for you; help others, because it makes you feel good. Pick up litter, because you know its right, and you'll feel better about your self. Feed the homeless, and when necessary, use food, because you will be relieved, that someone who wasn't in the right direction, will have come closer to the path they were meant to be on.

Last but not least, put yourself and your life, at the end of your mind. Stop chasing after what you think you want, and go after what you know is true. I'll tell you this, as someone who has thought thoroughly about God, his existence, his words, and as many other options as I can think of, for as many years as I can remember: God makes sense. He actually makes a lot of sense. Not just his advice either, even his existence makes sense to me. But don't just sit there and trust me, think about it. Not just today, or tonight, but keep thinking it though for as long as you can stand it. One day, I am sure you will find the answer.

I'd like to give a special thanks to not only God, but to all my friends. You all have done more than you will ever know.

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